The windows of a store are just like billboards that represent their products. The better they are decorated, the more customers are lured in. a poorly lit, untidy and boring window will lead to hardly any customers. But if you put a little thought and effort in it, it can be the key to success for your store.


Creating beautiful window displays isn’t a hard job if you have an idea on what to represent there. The easiest displays can be imagined and created when a special day arrives or a new season is around the corner. The easiest displays to make are those for Valentine’s Day. Valentine’s Day is full of the color red and hearts wherever you go.


Some great Valentine’s Day window display ideas can be:


  • Make a giant plywood heart and paint it red. Then paint a jagged line down it and attach hinges and chains to it. Set it at the center of the window over a chair.


  • Hang a two dozen hearts made from red paper against a white backdrop and in the center, make a giant heart in red hanging from the roof.


  • Place kiss stickers on the window in random places and make all the mannequins of your store wear red.


  • With the help of Styrofoam, cut out hearts in different sizes. Paint each in a different pastel color and paint a message on each in a bold color.


  • Place a heart-shaped seal sticker on three dozen envelopes and place them around the window display randomly. In the center, your mannequins can wear your stores accessories in red.


Remember, you can make a dozen things for the day that’s full of love, but don’t overdo it and clutter your display window as it will look too untidy. Keep minimal and simple things that give out a meaning to its viewers.
