How to Treat a Bacterial Infection at Home

Our bodies home thousands of bacteria that play a major role in the maintenance of our health. When these bacteria reproduce or when harmful bacteria is introduced into the body, a bacterial infection may occur. Bacterial infections are common occurrences of life and are normally treated with antibiotics. Upon completion of the antibiotic course, the infection is normally cured. Various types of bacteria can harm the body and can impact the body in different ways. To cure bacterial infections at home and keep them at bay, you can treat them with these simple home ingredients:


Probiotics or Yogurt

Probiotics increase the amount of good bacteria in the body, and also, it reduces the functioning of the bad bacteria. These then make the body stronger by boosting the immunity. Have two cups of fresh yogurt daily and ensure the yogurt has live culture as that will discourage the bad bacteria. It is best for treating urinary tract infections, bacterial skin infections, bacterial vaginosis, intestinal infections, and stomach infections.


Aloe Vera

Aloe vera carries anti-inflammatory agents and also has antibacterial properties. In addition, aloe vera contains medicinal and healing properties that soothe the body aches and problems. By extracting the gel from the aloe leaves, you can treat internal infections, vaginal infections, urinary tract infections, and bacterial skin infections. Apply the gel directly on the affected areas. You can also consume a quarter cup of its juice for treating bacterial skin infections.



Fenugreek strengthens the immunity system and balances the pH level of the vagina. It is excellent for bacterial vaginosis. Consume fenugreek orally or mix its powdered form in a cup of yogurt. You can also add it to water or milk.





Cranberries is great in treating vaginal and urinary tract infections. Consume fresh cranberry juice several times a day to overpower the bad bacteria in the body.






Lemon treats bacterial infections of the body and the respiratory system. It reduces mucus buildup in the respiratory tract and removes bacteria inside the mucus.






Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has anti-bacterial properties that fights bacterial infections in the body.

It also corrects the pH balance or imbalance and it prevents bacterial action to sustain in the affected areas of infection. Apply diluted apple cider vinegar over the skin, or drink a teaspoon in a cup of water.




Turmeric comprises of curcumin, which has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Turmeric is a strong herb known for even reducing cancerous tumors. In addition, turmeric has a high antioxidant content, making it suitable to treat infections of various causes. Add a pinch to a glass of milk and consume daily, or apply it over the affected area as a paste by mixing it in water.




Garlic is the most potent and easily available home remedies for bacterial infections and fungal infections in the body. Take 4-5 cloves of garlic a day to keep away from all types of bacterial attacks. It aids in treating bacterial infections of the skin, urinary tract, respiratory and digestive systems. Swallow garlic cloves raw, or make a garlic tea by brewing it for 10 minutes. You can also purchase garlic capsules from herbal medicine shops, but these may not be as effective as raw cloves of garlic.




Honey is an antiseptic that can treat the skin and the respiratory infections formed by bacteria. It should be consumed organic with ginger tea or in a glass of warm water to relieve bacterial throat infections. Apply honey on the skin to heal and prevent bad bacteria from entering open wounds.



Baking Soda

Baking soda can regulate the pH balance of the skin and body, making it an excellent treatment for bacterial infections on the skin, intestine, and respiratory system. Have half a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water for treating respiratory or stomach infections. You can make a paste of it with water and apply over skin infections. Add a cup of baking soda to a tub of warm water and soak in it for 20 minutes once a day to get rid of bacterial vaginosis.



Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is a strong essential oil that is more anti-viral than anti-bacterial. It is highly effective in treating various skin and vaginal infections raised by bacteria. Tea tree oil should be applied to the skin directly, but it must be diluted so as to prevent burning of the skin. The essential oil has potent qualities, which makes it a good treatment for controlling chronic infections as well.




Ginger is used for the treatment of respiratory and stomach infections that are caused by bacteria. When ginger is consumed, the body heats up as it raises the blood circulation flow and this stops bacterial infections from taking action in the body. Drink ginger tea 3 to 4 times a day to treat bacterial respiratory infections. Ginger should also be massaged on the infected areas of the body.



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