Sniffing unknown things in the air can cause persistent health problems that have no cause. The chances are, mold has begun forming around your home without your knowledge.

Mold, which is also known as mildew, is a form of fungus, which grows in fluffy an d fuzzy patterns over surfaces. It is the most common form of fungus in the world, and can live and thrive on anything that can contain moisture within it. The problem that mold causes for human beings are mainly health issues when they are exposed to this fungal infestation in homes.

This makes it vital for mold removal. To know if your home has mold spores, you can run a test as given below:


Check Your Drainage Pipes

Such places are full of moisture, where mold will easily settle and spread. The bathroom pipes, kitchen sinks, or in the basement should be checked first. You should look at the pipes under sinks as well.


Check Places Damaged by Water

If you live in an area with heavy rains, or high levels of humidity, your house may be suffering from water damage. A water pip burst in your plumbing system may lead to mold problems as well. Inspect the areas with water damage for potential mold growth.


Check Ceilings and Wall Cavities

Spaces between the wall and above the ceilings are main spots for mold growth. This is because these locations are sealed off and so, trap moisture. Usually, home piping’s can drip and leak and get concealed in these spots, which increases the moisture level. Mold then begins growing in these areas and spreads. It starts damaging the walls and ceilings then.


Check the Shower Curtains

The dirt that comes off your body when you bathe mixes with shampoo and soap residue, which gathers on the shower curtains. Wipe down your shower curtains after every shower, otherwise excess moisture will form mold on these curtains.


Check Air Ducts and Vents

Central cooling and heating systems in homes lead to fluctuations in the internal environment. This leads to humidity and moisture entrapment in ducts and vents. The constant mix of hot and cold air in these ducts condenses the cooling coils and gathers in the drain pipes, which if gone unchecked, will form mold growth.


Mold Test

Once you have located the mold growth in your home, use a mold testing kit to gather a sample of the mold and submit it to a sampling lab in your vicinity. You can also hire a professional mold inspector for your home evaluation, who will have various instruments to inspect any mold formation in your home. Run the test again with a kit after your home has been cleaned from mold to ensure the mold has been removed and the air is clean.