In order to attain a medical insurance, you simply can’t hand over just an insurance ID card. You need to know the right way to submit a claim to your insurance company. By doing so, you will be reimbursed for any past visits you have pair for yourself and also ensure that your medical bills are promptly paid.
Step 1: Itemize all your receipts
In order to file a medical insurance claim, you have to collect an itemized bill from your medical provider. In this bill, there will be a list of each service your have received with them and the costs of each. There will also be a list of codes for the services, which the insurance company needs for paying for your claim. To get these receipts, call your doctor and let them know about your need for filing the insurance claim. They will then send your itemized receipts then.
Step 2: Contact the insurance company
Request for a health insurance form from an insurance company. These companies include Health Maintenance Organization (HMO), Preferred Provider Organization (PPO), and Point of Service (POS). The company will give you a card as proof for your entitlement to acquire their services. Remember to choose the company that offers the most coverage for your medical bills.
Step 3: Fill a claim form
You will have to complete a claim form and tell your insurance company about your personal details and information on the illness in question. This will determine the expenses you have made and are claiming from their insurance plan to cover. The more detailed your answers are, the better it will be. The form should be sent to the address provide don the form. Make a copy for yourself before sending the original to the company.
Step 4: Call an insurance broker
If you have contacted a private insurance, submit the claim through an insurance broker. For this, you will contact the customer service department directly of the insurance company, and they will guide you through their relevant process.
Step 5: Call the insurance company
Before submission, call the insurance company to inform them about your submission to the claim. Ask if any additional documents need to be sent with your claim. When you have everything in order, mail your form or take it personally to the company. Your insurance company will give you a time frame for the payment claimed. Contact them if the time limit is crossed.
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