Getting engaged means celebration! If you or your loved one has gotten engaged, chances are you will need to take some time off from work to prepare for the big day.

Here is a sample of an engagement leave letter you could follow to write your own:



Danielle Clark

Head Supervisor

GBG Advertising Company

87 Command Lane

New York, NY 87868




Hillary White

Marketing Head Executive


Date: June 3, 2011


Dear Mr. Clark,


As I have mentioned to you earlier, my long-time partner and I have decided to get married( in case of your siblings, friends or relatives engagement ;you may amend the reason and mention their engagement reason and not yours but the format overall will be the same).We plan throw a big engagement party prior to the wedding and invite all our relatives and family to celebrate our joy with. For this reason, I will need to take 2 days off from work. The party is scheduled for June 15, and I will be gone from work on June 14-15 for preparations.


Since I already have a few leaves remaining from my yearly balance, I wish to utilize those for this engagement leave. I have no urgent tasks during my leave, but if there are any questions, I can be reached via my cell phone.


Thank you in advance for understanding,




Hillary White