Hair loss is becoming a common problem in every household, and be it man or woman, losing hair can be a nightmare for anyone. In order to stimulate hair growth and thicken your locks, you need to follow the proper care and regime for it. Here is a simple guide on re-growing those falling hair:
Vitamins and Minerals:
Consume the right vitamins and minerals in your diet. Add more proteins to your diet and vitamin E and B. these aid in hair growth. Take a daily multivitamin capsule as well. Consuming omega-3 fatty acids is essential as well, which you can find in fish, nuts, carrots, yeasts, and eggs.
Massage the scalp daily to increase blood circulation around the hair follicles. Use the tips of your fingers for massaging in circular motions. Do this every time you wash your hair in the shower.
Massage oils in your scalp at least 1-2 times a week. Use coconut oil, almond oil, or olive oil to increase the health of your hair.
Homemade Hair Mask:
Apply hair masks to the hair to keep them moisturized and soft. These masks need to be applied for only 15 minutes before a hair wash. Create a mask at home by mixing honey, apple cider vinegar, egg white, and olive oil (or castor oil).
Sulfate Shampoo:
Avoid shampoos that contain sulfates as they strip the hair from their natural oils.
Wooden Comb:
Use a wooden comb instead of a brush to detangle hair after a shower, and stay clear of blow dryers. Wooden comb works best in opening your skin pores allowing maximum oxygen to be absorbed and facilitating excellent regrowth!
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