Employer Identification Numbers, or EINs, are used by the International Revenue Services (IRS) in the United States to identify different businesses for tax reasons. Every business, including sole proprietorships, need an EIN, and there are hardly any that don’t require one. You have to apply for an EIN, which the IRS generates automatically through a confirmation letter or notice sent to you.


To apply for the EIN, You should read the guideline below to follow the correct procedure. Upon following these steps, you will be told by the IRS about the application processing details and the timeframe in which you will receive a confirmation letter. In case this letter is not received on time, you must contact the IRS.


  1. Read the instructions provided by the IRS before you apply for the EIN number.


  1. The IRS will send you a request letter receipt when they receive your EIN letter request. In this, you will be told about the timeframe to when you will receive the number. This is normally a two weeks time.


  1. Contact the IRS if you have waited for more than two weeks for the confirmation letter, and inquire about the delay. You can use the number provided on the form to call them or contact them from their website.


  1. You can ask for a replacement letter if a considerable time passes.