Glass blowing is the process used to create different shaped glass pieces. In this procedure, a heated molten chunk of glass is blown into to inflate through a blow pip, and a glass figurine is formed. Beads, bowls, platters, vases, and lampshades can be made through glass blowing.

These steps will guide you through the learning of glass blowing:


Step 1: With an ample amount of silica and shattered glass pieces, flame up a furnace. Allow the glass to heat. The glass raw material used for blowing is called “cane”. When the glass has turned molten, use a blowpipe to form a bulb out of it. If bubbles form on the bulb, the glass has melted properly.


Step 2: Practice free blowing by puffing air through the mouth. These puffs create an elastic skin in the bulb of the molten glass. This is called “gather”. Use the air through the blowpipe, and with proper handling skills, give the blob a desired shape. The skills require rotation, swinging, and tools for desired cuts.


Step 3: Bring the glass to a room temperature. Let it cool for a few hours, or longer.


Step 4: Decorate the glass piece with paint or any assortment of glass decorations.