Garage footings, or stem walls, are the key frames of the garage structure. They are placed separately from the floor, and their function is to support the roof and walls of the garage. When making a garage, you don’t need the help of an expert to pour the garage footings, as you can achieve this yourself within 2 days.


Here is how you can pour the garage footings on your own:


  1. Layout the footer of the garage with 24-inch rebar. Place a rebar in each of the four corners of the garage, and then use a nylon string to all around the sides to make a square layout. Draw a perfect square with a colored paint, and remove the string and bars.


  1. Dig the footer of the garage, which should be 15-inches wide and deep with the help of a pick and shovel. Make the footer along the marked paint lines.


  1. Place a 2-stick wide rebar all around the footer, and with rebar chairs. Cut two 15-inch rebar crossbars. Tie these across from the rebar and the footer with a 24-inch space in the middle.


  1. Level the rebars and mark each ones top with red paint. Prepare the concrete cement, and add it on the red marks.


  1. Pour the concrete in the footer until it reaches the rebar’s top. It should not rise above the rebar’s red marks. Let this footing dry for 24 hours, and then build your garage’s floor.
