When you are pregnant, you will be told by most people to start eating for two. But that really is an old myth, unless you want excessive weight gain on yourself rather than the baby gaining much. Just like it is for people who aren’t pregnant, keep a count of every pound when you are expecting. It is dangerous to loose weight during pregnancy, but you should prevent an unnecessary weight gain at this time, and that too with the consult of your doctor.
There are simple ways to manage your weight when expecting a baby, and during the process you can actually even lose some extra weight in case you are overweight. Follow these tips to control weight gain without harming your pregnancy.
Count Calories: Consult your doctor on how many calories you need during your pregnancy. Average weights that gain vary for different women. An overweight or obese pregnant woman should gain between 15-20 pounds – not more but less is possible. On the other hand, an underweight woman should gain between 28-40 pounds, while a woman with more than one baby should gain 37-54 pounds. Determine your weight gain and keep a calorie check on yourself. There are plenty of Apps available to help on this.
Eat Small, In Short Gaps: This rule applies to even people who aren’t pregnant – eat frequently but in small portions. The keeps your metabolism running and it is helpful for pregnant women who are nauseous mostly.
Take Vitamins For Pregnancy: By taking vitamins, you are taking in the main elements and nutrients your body needs while you are eating less. Your doctor will prescribe the ones your body needs. Your body will be needing extra nutrients at this time and you will not have to consume more foods for them. But this however does not mean that you quit eating and make do with these prenatal vitamins. Food is required during pregnancy.
Consume More Healthy Foods: Try eating more foods that are healthier and do not put on extra weight. Such foods include fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grain breads, pure cereals, low fat milk and dairy products, unsaturated fats like that in olive oil, peanut oil and canola oil. Foods that have a high content of folates like beans, spinach and strawberries are the best options. You should forgo foods that contain artificial sweeteners, sodas and drinks with sugar and corn syrup, junk foods, and unhealthy fats that exist in mayonnaise, butter, salad dressings, and margarine. Too much salt is also a bad idea as salts retain water in the body.
Exercise: Yes you can exercise when you’re pregnant! But do consult your doctor on it. Working out actually helps a pregnant woman. Yoga, Pilates, aerobics, walking, swimming, and cycling are actually really good to do while you are pregnant.
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