If you are living up north, then you must have seen a lot of frost proof hydrants installed in yards. These hydrants are designed in such a manner that they don’t get affected by the freezing temperatures. This is because their operating valves are present under the ground where the freezing does not occur. You can install a frost proof hydrant yourself.

Things You Need


  • An elbow fitting
  • A water line
  • A ½ inch gravel
  • Frost proof hydrant

The Actual Process


  • You need to excavate a hole deep enough to go beyond the frost line of your area. It should be 2 inches in diameter.
  • Make sure that the connection of water towards the specific water line is cut off until needed.
  • If the hydrant is near the water line and it is connected to some other fixtures as well, then attach an elbow to the hydrant’s base. In case the hydrant is to be placed at the end of the water line, simply attach it with an elbow fitting.
  • You should have all the required materials present with you to connect the water line to the hydrant’s base. It depends upon what kind of material the water pipe is made from.
  • Now, fill the base of the hole which you have excavated with at least ½ inch of gravel. You can take it up to 3 inches towards where the drain opening is present.
  • Once you have installed the hydrant and connected it with the water line, test whether the hydrant functions properly or not. For a perfectly functioning hydrant, water should come out of the faucet opening only. Similarly when you close the water’s connection, the vertical pipe present in the hydrant should drain the water at the base on the gravel area.
  • Now, fill the hole with the soil which you dug out during excavation. The hydrant should stand upright in its place.
