Brown spots begin appearing on the face due to age or liver issues. Also known as solar lentigines, these spots normally start arising after the age of 50 on fair skinned people. Excessive exposure to the sun can lead to an increase in these spots. With the help of a few home remedies, you can get rid of brown spots on the face.
- Use lemon juice to fade the spots. Lemon juice is acidic and breaks down the melanin pigment in these spots within a months usage. Vitamin C in lemons act as bleaching agents. Cut a lemon in halves and apply directly to the face. Leave the juice on for 30 minutes.
- Mixing sugar with lemon juice is highly effective for removing age spots too. Squeeze one lemons juice and mix 2 tablespoons of sugar in it. Apply this paste to your face for half an hour. Rinse off with cool water. Apply a moisturizer after this procedure.
- Grate a potato and mix it with honey. Apply the paste to your face for 15 minutes. Rinse off with cool water.
- You can also apply plain yogurt to your face. Yogurt is acidic in nature which lightens these dark spots. Leave the yogurt on your face till it dries and rinse with cool water then.
- You can also open a vitamin E capsule and apply it directly to your dark spots. These are antioxidant carriers and heal the skin. Once applied, you don’t have to wash it off!
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