A percentage is any number out of a 100. The symbol “%” is used to represent it in mathematics, instead of writing the number as a fraction with the denominator 100. Percentages help in calculating interest rates, allowance rises, pay raises, and sales or discounts. Percentages can be written as decimals as well. For example:
25% means 25/100
25/100 = 0.25
The same can be done when a decimal number has to be changed to a percentage. You multiply it with 100 to convert it to a percentage.
0.25 x 100 = 25%
In order to do and solve percentages, there is a formula that is applied. This is simply by multiplying the fraction by 100 to give a result in percentage value. Whereas, a percentage value will be converted to a fraction or decimal value when 100 divides it. Here is an example.
- If 14 out of 30 people are men, what is the percentage of men?
14/30 x 100
- If the price of a $2.50 chocolate bar rises by 20%, what is the new price?
2.50 x 20/100 = 0.5
Now add this amount to the original price to find the price rise:
$2.50 + $0.5 = $3.00
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