Are you constantly getting boring emails that you barely get time to read in your Gmail account?
There is usually one person in the family who has ample of time filling up your inbox, or some company has gotten hold of your address to clutter it up, or you keep getting newsletters from a quick app you installed. Either reason, there are times when you need to block those mails now. Gmail’s email blocking system wasn’t as simple until last year when Google announced a simple solution to keep you inbox clutter free through a simple blocking system.
Here are the simple steps to block someone on Gmail:
- Log in to your Gmail account.
- Open the email from the sender you want to block.
- At the far right of this senders name in his email, you will see a tab with a down arrow. Click on it.
- A list of options will appear. In these options, choose Block sender.
- Another small window will pop up to ask if you are sure you want the sender permanently blocked. Click on “block”.
And voila! You are free from emails from this person. Happy Blocking!
I was exploring more information on Gmail and stumbled on
I simply wish to thank you for your expertise in this particular article.
I’m also working hard on a gmail guide at
the moment.
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