Write A Dissertation

A dissertation, or thesis, can be daunting for every student. In reality, it can be the toughest tasks of university life as it is the most substantial piece of work done independently in an educational program. A dissertation is tough to write by a student because it is a lengthy and formal document which pertains the information on a subject matter that is argumentative. It isn’t something that can be written in one day, but takes a matter of months if it is well-written and researched. The toughest part about writing the dissertation is gathering and then organizing evidence that is associated with the discussion of the topic of the dissertation. The amount of research and time will pay off in the end. Before the D-Day (dissertation-handing-on day), these tips might help you ensure you have completed your dissertation properly:


  • Select the dissertation topic and question on something that has necessary data. In addition, choose a topic you know about and have a frame of reference about, along with some interest in the theory you will write on.


  • Write, and revise later. Continue writing, and don’t stop or erase anything. Keep going forward, and revise what you wrote later.


  • Keep in mind that there must be a reference to support each of your statements. This reference will be a published piece of literature or original work. The references used should not be repetitive, but be used as a way of pointing the facts to the reader.


  • Write in layers, by making the main ideas first, and then fill in the gaps. You have to make the citations list in the end.


  • Write as a story about what you know, and what your thoughts are on the subject.


  • Write one page of the dissertation a day to complete it on time.


  • The dissertation must state the lesson you have learned after a vast study on the subject matter. It should not just lay out facts behind it but a complete analysis of the concepts.


  • Make rough drafts and do not worry about errors.


  • Create an outline first to coherent the flow of thoughts you have stored for your dissertation. Make a tree of ideas with the root the central theme.


  • Make a PowerPoint for your ideas. This simplifies thoughts.


  • You should check the sentence structure and grammatical sense of the piece you write in the end. Formal grammar rules must be applied to the writing structure, which means avoiding slangs, slurs, contractions, colloquialisms, hidden jokes, or technical jargon. The words must be flat and clear to show the exact meaning the writer intends to portray.


  • Keep in mind that each statement given in your dissertation has to be 100% correct and logically proven. Any technical term must be defined by a reference of a published site.
  • Continuously ask for feedback from peers and professors upon each chapter completed.


  • Set a time for the dissertation completion and stick to the timeframe. A dissertation has to be handed over on a specific date. Complete it at least two weeks prior to the date so that you can read and edit your written work.


  • Revise it a week before handing it in, and re-revise it. This is vital!


The general structure of writing a dissertation is given here: Writing a Doctoral Dissertation


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