Although the costs may vary, composite decks are tough and beautiful after installation. It is also simpler to install than a wooden deck. If you want a place to relax outside on the weekends at home, you should make a low-maintenance composite deck by following these steps:


Things you will need

  • Hole digger
  • Wood
  • Level
  • Miter saw
  • Composite decking
  • Fasteners
  • Concrete mix



  1. Dig the holes with the posthole digger for caissons. Pour in the concrete in the holes. Let the concrete dry for 24 hours.


  1. Install the ledger board and post anchors on the house so that the deck is secured to the house. Attach the post anchors to the concrete caisson. The posts should be 4 x 4 feet. Attach a center beam now to776-4-diy-composite-deck-installation the post hangers, and then add an end beam.


  1. Install the joist hanger at 6 inches distance each. Build a joist jig with the wood ti keep the joist hangers consistent. Cut the joists to go from the ledger boards up till the end beams. Now, seat the joists in the hangers and then fasten them with nails.


  1. As the joists are securely placed, start decking. Use screws to secure the first plank and special fasteners to secure the other planks. Take the planks in place and then fasten. As all the planks are in place, cut the boards with a saw, and finish off with a railing.


